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Narratives and Neighbourhood

There will never be complete research on social trust. Our goal is to gain insight at a scale where action is possible, where people who are living out the reality of their particular community come to see and understand what they might do to preserve or enhance trust where they live.


This process of learning forward it iterative, makes use of the stories we tell among ourselves and to ourselves. Digital tools enable us to collect and make sense of these many moving dynamics but we believe human beings are the most sophisticated social trust sensors in the world.


Finding creative ways to tap into the insight that exists among us is what SOCIAL TRUST Sensing is all about.


Much more than a survey, Trustsensor provides vital glimpses into the complex nature of social trust at the level of neighbourhoods. Try it by clicking here

Survey Image.JPG
Trust Survey - Perceptions of Safety

This simple survey is always running and provides a baseline across scales from the individual to the national, including comparison with other general surveys.

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