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GDELT Tone for Unique Locations in Canada - October 1, 2023 - October 30, 2023

The original dataset is 105,873 observations. This was reduced to 72,711 by only including those with a specific location. That was reduced further by including only instances where the Actor Country was Canada. This was reduced again by including only instances that had a location ID within the country and then further still to unique Canadian locations (e.g. Toronto had ~2000 instances but is represented by just one marker on the map).


The GDELT data capture, cleaning and mapping were done in R - the above is not interactive but will be soon.

This is the average tone for media coverage in Canada over the last seven days in English with the term "India" as the qualifier.

This is a live stream of GDELT data that provides ongoing monitoring of tone and content for a given word, words, or phrase.

(click upper right 'export' and you can the graph in many forms)

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